N. Louise Glass is fungal biologist/mycologist recognized for her work on molecular mechanisms of fungal communication, programmed cell death and regulatory networks associated with fungal ...
My principal research area is theoretical plasma physics applied to fusion energy. The central problem of magnetic fusion research is determining the rate of escape of thermal energy from a fully ...
I am a physical oceanographer with a background in applied mathematics and fluid dynamics. My research emphasis has mostly been on theoretical studies of small-scale processes such as waves, tides, ...
My primary research is in partial differential equations (PDE). Many of the problems I deal with are called free boundary problems: One wants to solve a PDE in a domain, subject to boundary condition, ...
I work in algebraic geometry, including its interactions with neighboring fields such as representation theory, topology, and combinatorics. Of particular interest to me is intersection theory, which ...
Laura Gagliardi is the Richard and Kathy Leventhal Professor at the University of Chicago with a joint appointment at the Department of Chemistry and the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering. She ...
My research is centered on the function of eukaryotic genes and the consequences of their mutation on human and animal biology. My initial work established the discontinuous structure of the ...
Robert Field is the Robert T. Haslam and Bradley Dewey Professor of Chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a spectroscopist, specializing in the structure and dynamics of small ...
Originally trained as a physicist, I developed an interest in methods to investigate biological structures with the transmission electron microscope. Using the novel technique of cryo-EM ...
I have studied the molecular mechanisms by which TGFB family proteins suppress growth, focusing on Mullerian Inhibiting Substance (MIS) as a model. After purifying and cloning MIS, my colleagues and I ...
Marcella Frangipane is Full Professor of Prehistory and has taught Prehistory and Protohistory of the Near East and Strategies and Methods of Archaeological Research at the Sapienza University of Rome ...
Prof. Incandela received his PhD in Physics from University of Chicago searching for magnetic monopoles. In 1987 on the UA2 experiment as CERN Fellow he contributed to the first precise measurements ...