Helene roared ashore Florida's Big Bend region as one of the most powerful storms to hit the United States, with officials fearing the hurricane would leave a trail of deaths and widespread ...
Japan's ruling party will         hold one of the most unpredictable leadership contests in         decades on Friday, a race that could result in Japan's youngest         or first female premier, or ...
New York City Mayor Eric         Adams was charged by the U.S. Department of Justice in a         five-count criminal indictment unsealed on Thursday, becoming         the city's first sitting mayor ...
Russia has established a weapons programme in China to develop and produce long-range attack drones for use in the war aga ...
Israel's military chief told troops on Wednesday that its heavy airstrikes on Lebanon were preparing the way for a p ...
President Vladimir Putin         warned the West on Wednesday that Russia could use nuclear         weapons if it was struck with conventional missiles, and that         Moscow would consider any ...
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris plans to roll out a new set of economic policies this week that aim to help American ...
海關昨日在油塘、香港仔及觀塘檢獲約32公斤懷疑氯胺酮, 估計市值約1500萬元, 並拘捕一名27歲懷疑涉案男子, 男子被控以三項販運危險藥物罪, 明日在東區裁判法院提堂.         海關海關透過深入調查及資料分析, 昨日搜查兩個位於油塘及香港仔的迷你儲存倉, 並於當中的紙箱內, 分別發現約9公斤及15公斤以蛋白粉為包裝的懷疑氯胺酮, 同日於觀塘拘捕懷疑涉案男子, 並押解他到同區一個工業單位進 ...
全國政協在北京召開遠程協商會, 中共中央政治局常委、全國政協主席王滬寧主持會議. 他表示, 牢牢把握城市更新改造的工作目標、 重點任務、 實施措施, 持續深化研究, 積極議政建言, 為推動新型城鎮化建設獻計出力.         會議提出, 要針對城市更新改造相關政策落實中的堵點難點問題, 通過提案、 調研、 社情民意信息、 聯系界別群眾等方式, 提出改進工作的意見和建議. 要立足本職崗位, 多做 ...
美國8月批發庫存初值按月升百分之0.2, 符合預期.         美國8月零售庫存按月升百分之0.5, 同樣符合預期.         美國8月商品貿易逆差從上個月的1,027億美元, 縮窄至943億美元, 低於市場預期的1,002億美元.
美國8月經濟降溫.         美國8月個人消費支出(PCE)物價指數按月上升百分之0.2, 低於預期的百分之0.3; 按年升百分之2.2, 低於預期的百分之2.3.         被美國聯儲局視為通脹指標的核心PCE物價指數, 十二月按月上升百分之0.1, 低於預期的百分之0.2; 按年升百分之2.7, 符合預期.         個人所得按月增加百分之0.2, 低於預期的百分之0.4; ...
中國人民銀行宣布, 下調常備借貸便利利率20個基點.         最新隔夜、7天、1個月常備借貸便利利率, 分別調整為2.35厘、 2.5厘及2.85厘.