Open Door Baptist Church, 333 Jeremiah Lane, Clear Brook, will have a country breakfast on Sept. 21 from 7-11 a.m. Menu: pancakes, biscuits, sausage gravy, Gore’s sausage, potatoes, scrambled eggs, ...
UNC's School of Civic Life and Leadership has undergone significant faculty turnover since its inception, hiring 11 new ...
Other religious groups, including an Orthodox Jewish group and ... said of the opinion, “He makes absolutely clear that it is ...
Once again, the Army was caught exercising clear viewpoint discrimination in their training slides—offering that some views ...
Fire in the Whole explores the anger of Black Christians who feel betrayed by white Christianity’s complicity of perpetuating ...
The Matthew passage describes a discourse where Jesus emphasizes the absolute importance of feeding the hungry, providing ...
In an era when many faithful lament theological confusion and fear the watering down of Christianity, Pope Francis did little ...
Last time in this space I discussed the contrast between Nebraska’s two major political parties but today the spotlight is on ...
Highly religious women — especially those who practice their faith at home — are more likely to find meaning, happiness and ...
I’m curious about your take on Pope Francis’ statement this week that various religions are like different languages, which ...
It’s hard to fault lawmakers for letting religious beliefs guide decisions, but where is the line between following morals ...
A large, representative survey contradicts stereotypes about people of faith being driven by politics, intolerant of ...