If Republicans are successful, the traditional "blue wall" states would no longer be enough to win Kamala Harris the ...
If Republicans get their way in Pennsylvania, voters won’t be able to correct technical problems with their ballots. The ...
In 2020, Maine delivered one electoral vote to Trump, and the other three to Joe Biden. If Maine changed its electoral ...
Republican officials in Nebraska are eyeing what is effectively an electoral-vote heist in the campaign’s final weeks. The ...
Nebraska's split-vote electoral system, which the Democrat-leaning Maine also uses, came into effect in 1991, with the state ...
If the election is close enough to end up at the Supreme Court, there is a good chance it will be handed to Trump ...
If the election is close enough to end up at the Supreme Court, there is a good chance it will be handed to Trump ...
Universal voting dramatically and immediately increases participation; it would make our system of electoral politics more ...
As Republicans in Nebraska contemplate a significant change to their state’s Electoral College vote distribution to ...
As Republicans in Nebraska consider changing state law to give Donald Trump an extra Electoral College vote this fall, their ...
Nebraska lawmakers are facing last-minute pressure to replace the state's unique presidential electoral system with a ...
Too late for Maine Democrats to retaliate, Nebraska Republicans may implement a winner-take-all system, swiping an electoral ...