While captive in the Warsaw ghetto, Jewish historian and social worker Emanuel Ringelblum led a brave group—including writers ...
Aleks Kudriashova received her PhD from the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at Harvard University for her dissertation “The Art of Overcoming the Wall: Cinematic Reflections on the ...
Rafael Buhigas Jiménez received his PhD in contemporary history from the Complutense University of Madrid for his dissertation "Roma and the Urban Crisis in Madrid (1959-1986): Surveillance, ...
Eliyana Adler was awarded the Alexander Grass Memorial Fellowship for her research project “Palaces of Memory: Polish Jewish Post-Holocaust Memorial Books.” Her project traces the emergence, ...
Barnabas Balint received a PhD in history from Magdalen College, University of Oxford, for his research on Jewish youth experiences during the Holocaust in Hungary. His multi-lingual research (English ...
Anne-Christin Klotz received her PhD from the Institute of Eastern European Studies at the Free University Berlin for her dissertation, “Together Against Germany: Warsaw’s Yiddish Daily Press and its ...
Erica Lehrer is a sociocultural anthropologist, historian, and curator. She is a professor in the History Department at Concordia University, where she held the Canada Research Chair in Museum and ...
Noelle Mendelson received her bachelor’s in history and media studies from the University of Virginia, where she worked as the head marketing intern for UVA Hillel and as a program assistant for the ...
Natalie Bernstien is a PhD candidate in modern Jewish history at UCLA. She studies Moroccan Jewish history, focusing primarily on the city of Tangier during World War II. She was a Fulbright student ...
The 2024 Rubin Lecture: Bold Voices against Extremism is being postponed to a later date.
Read reflections and testimonies written by Holocaust survivors in their own words.
The Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos 1933-1945 provides comprehensive documentation of camps, ghettos, and other persecutory sites that the Nazi regime and its allies operated in a vast network ...